Are You Eating Right for Your Blood Type?
By Dori Cranmore RN
Are you looking for a way to lose a few pounds and also make your body healthy? Your blood type is your genetic blueprint. It can be the key that unlocks the mysteries of disease, health, herbal programs and emotional strength. It also determines your susceptibility to illness, indicates which foods you should eat, and provides ways to avoid health problems.
What is “Eating right for your blood type”? It means following the guidelines outlined in Dr. Peter D’Adamo’s book, Eat Right 4/For Your Blood Type. The book explains the history behind all blood types, the unique differences, including the strengths, weaknesses, medical risks, and emotions of each blood type, and also how food actually affects our blood.
Many of our customers tell us they notice major health differences by making the changes outlined in his book.
First, you need to know your blood type. You can learn what your blood type is by giving blood at your local Blood Bank, by asking your doctor, checking a military ID card or you can purchase a blood kit (sold at All About Herbs) that will tell you your blood type in about 5 minutes and is patented by the FDA.
We recommend people try to follow the guidelines for a few months, and then make modifications as their bodies give them feedback. You too can be pleasantly surprised with the results as many others have found.
Blood Type O is considered the oldest and most basic blood type –has the best results with competitive workouts like running, aerobics, martial arts and contact sports.
Diet profile; animal protein, vegetables and fruit, sea salt, kelp and Ezekial bread.
Avoid wheat, dairy, soy, corn, cauliflower, pork, kidney and navy beans, red and white potatoes, peanuts, oranges, tangerines. Strong digestive system and immune systems.
Use more minerals than others.
The two common imbalanced areas are pituitary and liver. Generally strong digestive and immune systems.
Blood Type A does best with breathing exercises like yoga, tai chi, and singing.
Diet profile; mostly vegetarian diet, fresh seafood, soy products, fruit, nuts, beans legumes, and Ezekial bread.
Avoid eating red meat, pork, dairy, wheat, lima beans, bananas, oranges, mangos, tomatoes, and papaya.
Adapt well to dietary and environmental changes, cooperative and creative types.
Prone to anxiety, sensitive digestive system, vulnerable immune system. They generally have a deficient amount of hydrochloric acid and an abundance of mucous in their systems.
Blood Type B does well with moderate exercise with mental balance like hiking, cycling, tennis or swimming.
Diet profile; fish, lamb, turkey, dairy, potatoes, wild game, vegetables, pineapple, and papaya.
Avoid pork, chicken, tomatoes, peanuts, shellfish, corn, olives, sesame seeds and wheat.
Strong immune system, versatile to dietary changes, balanced nervous system.
Vulnerable to viruses and autoimmune disorders. Areas of imbalance can be the brain and circulatory system.
Blood Type AB is the rarest blood and these people are said to be charismatic and mysterious. They do best with calming exercises such as Tai Chi, yoga combined with moderate activities like hiking, tennis or cycling.
Diet profile; fish, seafood, turkey, lamb, eggs, soy, cultured dairy, fruit, beans, oats, spelt, pineapple.
Avoid chicken, pork, corn, Lima and kidney beans, wheat, bananas, seeds.
They have the combined strengths of Blood type A and B.
Areas of imbalance can be colon and blood.
For more information call 907-376-8327.
Information provided is for Educational purposes only and not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any diseases.
I have a question, I’m in surgical menopause and I’m looking to find what herbs are best to use for insomnia, hot flashes, muscle loss, etc. I’m type O 32 years old. I’m doing BT diet about 85/15 if not 100%.