By Dori Cranmore RN If you’ve ever gotten “stung” by a nettles plant, you’ve no doubt gained quite a respect for the lingering pain and possibly a fear for the plant. Hopefully I can show you the stinging nettle is probably one of the most important herbs available to us and if harvested correctly, you can avoid getting stung. In Alaska we are abundantly blessed with Urtica dioica. There are over 500 species world wide. Spring is the best time to harvest the top 6-8” before they flower (summer solstice in Alaska). Note: ingesting flowered nettles have been known to …

By Dori Cranmore RN We’ve all heard how healthy it is to include olive oil in our diet, and from a health perspective, the oil may not even be the most important product of the olive trees. The omega-9 monounsaturated fat called oleic acid is considered a “healthy” fat and it is even said that those who use it regularly are less likely to have heart disease. The Mediterranean Diet hierarchy says it not only protects the heart but also the brain! A bestselling author, Dr. Wildman asks, “What is the secret behind olive trees living thousands of years and …

By Dori Cranmore RN We are hearing so much about the flu vaccines in the media, I wish there was equal exposure for the amazing effects of Vitamin D3 for protection. Not everyone is a candidate (or desires) to get the vaccines. There have been extensive studies done (Dr J Cannell MD of, Dr Norris Glick MD, Dr Ellie Campbell DO) showing evidence based proof that having an adequate level of Vitamin D in your body can actually protect you from getting viruses/flu of all sorts including H1N1 flu. (Epidemiol Infect 2006)They have epidemiological evidence indicating that a Vitamin …

By Dori Cranmore RN The herb Turmeric has been in the limelight recently and the more research that is done; the more wonderful healthful benefits are arising. Turmeric comes from the ginger family and has a peppery, warm but slightly bitter flavor.  It smells like a cross between ginger and oranges. It’s known as one of the ingredients to make curry but it is also used as a natural colorant in many foods like mustard. You might have heard it referred to as curcumin.  The yellow-orange pigment in turmeric is what is referred to as curcumin. It is often used …

By Dori Cranmore RN Raspberry Ketones, in brief, can help prevent and improve various health conditions, such as obesity, cellulite, skin looseness and fluid retention. They offer lots of fiber and antioxidants with very few calories, making them very “dense” nutritionally. Raspberry Ketones help the efficiency of your metabolism by increasing the body’s core temperature and in so doing increasing the body’s fat burning abilities. Raspberry Ketones also help reduce the amount of dietary fat absorbed by the body. African Mango (Irvingia Gabonesis) has been the popular topic of many ongoing weight loss studies. There are many forms that African …