By Dori Cranmore RN We are hearing so much about the flu vaccines in the media, I wish there was equal exposure for the amazing effects of Vitamin D3 for protection. Not everyone is a candidate (or desires) to get the vaccines. There have been extensive studies done (Dr J Cannell MD of, Dr …

By Dori Cranmore RN The herb Turmeric has been in the limelight recently and the more research that is done; the more wonderful healthful benefits are arising. Turmeric comes from the ginger family and has a peppery, warm but slightly bitter flavor.  It smells like a cross between ginger and oranges. It’s known as one …

By Dori Cranmore RN Raspberry Ketones, in brief, can help prevent and improve various health conditions, such as obesity, cellulite, skin looseness and fluid retention. They offer lots of fiber and antioxidants with very few calories, making them very “dense” nutritionally. Raspberry Ketones help the efficiency of your metabolism by increasing the body’s core temperature …